Critical Illness & Earnings Replacement

Compared with 20 or even 10 years ago many more people are acutely aware of the financial pressures that can arise when the family loses the earnings capacity of one of the parents. 

The tragedy of cancer, stroke or heart attack can leave a breadwinner debilitated and no longer able to contribute financially. Indeed, it is possible that their medical needs become a drain on the family’s diminished resources.

Insurances such as critical illness and earnings protection can go a long way to removing the financial stress of such unfortunate events.

Related Services
Life Insurance

A wide range of product types are available and we are well placed to sift through these to meet the your current and future financial protection needs.

Business Protection

Life insurance has a core role to play in providing financial protection for private companies, partnerships and the sole trader.

Inheritance Tax

A key planning tool now is to maximise the use of pensions to cascade wealth down the generations to children, grandchildren and beyond.